





                                                                                          庚子年七月  张志云于金山世外


吴迪 Thea:一整个学年的视觉艺术课,从中国艺术到西方艺术,从理论到实践,我受益匪浅。不仅仅是在专业知识方面有了更深的了解,在绘画技术方面也多少有了一点进步。每一节视觉艺术课,我们同学和老师之间有时热烈的讨论,有时也分外宁静地勾勒自己的作品。这种氛围使人在紧张的学习状态中,获得了一种别样的喘息的机会,调整自己的状态和情绪。国画课上,我手握着毛笔,勾线的手从虚浮到掌握诀窍,勾出相对流畅的线条。上色从毫无经验,到历经层层上色,画出自己满意的作品;西方艺术课上,我们尝试了许多种不同种类的艺术手法,除了常规的素描,还有特别的湿拓画,剪贴画等,非常激发创意。


I have benefited a lot from the visual arts classes of the whole school year, from Chinese art to Western art, from theory to practice. This is not only a deeper understanding of professional knowledge but also a  small but meaningful improvement in actual painting techniques. In every visual art class, our classmates and teachers sometimes have a lively discussion, and sometimes we outline our works very quietly. This vibe offers us a relaxing time in our busy study life, and have an opportunity to adapt our emotions. In the Chinese painting class, I grasped the brush, from the first not familiar with the Chinese painting skills, finally, I drew relatively smooth lines. Once I had no experience with Chinese paintings' colors, but finally, I added layers and layers of complex coloring to paint my satisfactory work; Western art class In the above, we tried many different kinds of artistic techniques. In addition to regular sketches, there are also special wet paintings, clip art, etc., which inspired me in many ways.

The course of this period left me so many happy memories from all aspects. I am very grateful for this unforgettable experience.

黄诗耘 Saier:我们课程的主要内容是学习工笔画与敦煌壁画。课程刚开始时,我满怀期待,张志云老师为我们展示了一些名家的工笔画作品以及敦煌壁画,我们都被这些艺术作品深深地震撼了,我也暗暗下定决心学习美术,期待着属于自己的艺术品。




The main content of our course is the study of fine brushwork and Dunhuang frescoes. At the beginning of the course, I was full of expectations. Teacher Zhang Zhiyun showed us some fine brushwork works of famous artists and Dunhuang frescoes. We were deeply shocked by these artistic works, and I was secretly determined to learn fine arts and look forward to my artworks. The most basic part is to mark the lines. Teacher Zhang gathered us to the front and then picked up a thin brush and began to paint the lines. My description of the brush stroke is “easy and smooth”, so I was eager to try. Each was assigned a different manuscript to try out for the first time. I thought that marking the lines was the simplest part of the painting, but I always felt that I couldn’t control my own hands and trembling, so the lines I drew were thick and curved, and my confidence immediately decreased to some degree. But Mr. Zhang constantly encouraged us and assured us that at the end of the class, everyone's painting skills would be greatly improved. From time to time, he came to the students for one-to-one guidance. I also learned the correct posture of holding the pen and gradually got familiar with the feeling of the painting. With different strength applied to different lines of different thickness, my lines looked more and more stable. We drew one beautiful fine brush painting and mural after another and selectively colored some of them to bring them to life. Coloring is also a matter of attention, and the method of coloring must be mastered one by one because once the paper is stained with color, it would be difficult to wash off, and maybe a good piece of work will be greatly lost due to the error of coloring. Although drawing skills require boring practice all the time to master, the class is not tedious. We do not blindly copy the master's work, we will also add our characteristics. Choosing different colors can bring a different feeling to the same manuscript, and can give the picture different emotions, and more importantly, we included our style. The experience of the whole course gives me a feeling of endless enjoyment, and I am also very proud to participate in such an exhibition.

方莲欣 Candy:我以前从未涉及过视觉艺术,以为艺术是很遥远的。高二这一年我从不了解美术,到懂得欣赏美术;从无视美的存在,到学会发现美;这便是我上学期视觉艺术课的最大收获。欣赏那些名家的作品时,我知道每幅作品都有它背后美丽的故事和深刻的含义,同时它也暗含着作者的思想。从古代朴素而不成熟的美的作品到现代独特的表达思想的绘画方式,都让我发现原来世界这么美。除了欣赏以外,我们自己也上手临摹了不少作品,尽管有些不尽人意。读万卷书,行万里路,我们今天欣赏的艺术品也许某天就能亲眼观赏。我们欣赏那些有着深厚文化底蕴的艺术品,揣摩它们的历史故事,认识很多美好的人物,了解他们的故事,记住他们的思考,这也就是视觉艺术课想要达到的目标吧。

I have never been involved in visual art before, and I thought that art was far away.  Last year, I started from knowing nothing about art to learning to appreciate it; from ignoring the existence of beauty to trying to discover beauty. This is my greatest achievement in last semester's visual art lessons. When appreciating the works of famous artists, I know that each work has its beautiful story and profound meaning behind it. At the same time, it also implies the author's thoughts. From the simple and immature works of beauty in ancient times to the unique way of painting to express ideas, I found how marvelous the world is. In addition to appreciation, we also copied a lot of works, some of them were unsatisfactory. Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles. We may be able to enjoy the works of art today with our own eyes someday. We appreciate the works of art with profound cultural heritage, speculate their historical stories, get to know many gorgeous people, understand their stories, and remember their names, which are the goals of visual art class.

周木兰 Judy:高二选修课我选了人文艺术,是为了选大学多一个州的选择(加州学校需要一个学年的艺术课)。





To have more choices among the colleges, I chose visual arts when I was in grade 12. (California schools require one year of art classes).

In the beginning, I was not interested in painting because I could not draw. I just wanted to finish my homework, which was the ultimate goal. Mr. Zhang taught us fine brushwork and how to draw with a brush in the first class. I had a headache because one wrong was the end of a painting. However, it was good to trace line draft, as long as the heart was quiet enough, the hands were steady enough, it could be done well. Then I came to like drawing.

After practice, we began to color on the painting. In my mind, coloring just like putting the paint on the paper, but it needs to put the paint and water together and then paint. Choosing a color is also important. If the color is too heavy, the painting may look dirty. I prefer light colors. They look clean.

When I finished a piece of work, I felt very satisfied, not only because it was my first complete and successful work, but also because I was very happy to see the beautiful woman in the painting.

Nothing we can't do, only don't want to do. We have to try and try to know whether we can or not.

常冯贝妮 Annie:经过一年视觉艺术的学习,我认为视觉艺术是一门培养完整艺术观念、学习技法、激发创造力的学科。视觉艺术教育的核心就是审美教育,审美教育对培养我们良好的道德与情感,想象力与创造有着深刻的意义。在创作过程中,我除了实践学到的内容,也体验了很多的创新手法——比如钉子画,湿拓画,勾线,点线面的创作等等,我们尽量把视觉艺术的作品完成到最高境界。


After one year's learning of visual arts, I think visual arts is to nurture our holistic artistic view, to teach skills, and to provoke creativity, and the core value of the visual arts education is aesthetic education. Aesthetic education is good for our morality and emotion cultivation, improving imaginative skills and creativity, which has profound significance.  In addition to practice, we also tried a lot of innovation, such as nail painting, wet extension, cancel, the creation of point, line. We try our best to complete the visual artworks. In this process, we not only learned a lot of new knowledge but also greatly broadened horizons, not only appreciated the works of many famous writers from domestic and overseas but also copied their painting skills and applied them to my works.

刘舒安 Sean:我在高二学习了一个学年的AP艺术。这期间分为两个学期,第一学期我们学习的是国内的各种绘画艺术,主要有工笔画和壁画,我们练习了描线与上色。第二学期我们则学习了西方的各种艺术知识,主要有西方艺术史,点线面的构成,湿踏画,钉子画以及拼贴画。在西方艺术史中,我们主要了解西方艺术从诞生到兴起的过程,我自此了解到了各种画派,比如现实派,超现实派,野兽派,印象派以及立体派等等,艺术运动比如达达主义,以及一些著名的画家,比如梵高,毕加索,莫奈,塞尚等等。同时我也学到了很多技艺,比如点线面的构成,拼贴画锻炼了我的构图能力,钉子画锻炼了我对明暗关系的掌握,湿踏画锻炼了我的耐心,工笔画锻炼了我的绘图能力。我十分喜欢视觉艺术课。

I studied Visual arts for one academic year in the second year of high school. This period was divided into two semesters. In the first half of the semester, we studied various domestic painting arts, mainly palace brush paintings, and murals. We practiced line drawing and coloring.  In the second half of the semester, we learned all kinds of Western art knowledge, mainly Western art history, the composition of dots, lines and surfaces, wet paintings, nail paintings, and collages.  In the history of Western art, we mainly understand the process of Western art from its birth to its rise. Since then, I have learned about various painting schools, such as Realism, Surrealism, Fauvism, Impressionism, and Cubism. Daism, and some famous painters such as Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet, Cézanne, etc.  At the same time, I also learned a lot of skills. For example, the composition of dots, lines, and surfaces, and collage have strengthened my composition ability, nail painting has enhanced my mastery of the relationship between light and dark, wet step painting has toughened my patience, and palace brush painting has improved my drawing skills.   I, therefore, enjoyed the art classes very much.

蔡正阳 Gavin:视觉艺术是一门陶冶情操的课程。作为高中生,日常生活里充满了压力。开设这样的艺术课程无疑能够提高我们的学习效率。我们一开始研究敦煌壁画,张老师教我们如何手握笔、握力、握色。看着一张白纸经自己的手,变为一幅精彩的作品,我信心倍增。当我气馁时,老师会亲自示范,教我如何运笔。精确流畅地画线,用对比色填充颜色,整个过程里最重要的是耐心。我相信在艺术课上所学到的东西将在我未来的学术生涯中发挥重要作用。

Visual arts is a course that can edify sentiment. Usually, as high school students, our life is full of pressure. Having such an art course will undoubtedly improve our learning efficiency. We studied Dunhuang frescoes at the beginning, and Mr. Zhang taught us how to hold the pen, the strength, and the color hand by hand. From the beginning of nothing to later wonderful works, my confidence doubled. When I get discouraged, the teacher will personally demonstrate to me how to draw well. Draw lines with precision and smoothness, fill colors with contrast, and above all, be patient. I believe what I have learned in art courses will play.